科罗拉多反歧视法 禁止在场所的歧视 public accommodation, housing, and employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

歧视性做法 可以有多种形式, 包括:服务条款, 拒绝充分和平等的服务, 恐吓, 访问, 条件, 特权, 广告, 和报复.

  • 公共设施 & 住房: A place of public accommodation can include locations such as a bakery, 花店, 餐厅, 酒店或汽车旅馆, 医院, 零售商店, 学校, 公共交通, 康乐设施或公园, 和图书馆.
    • 所有公共设施应允许个人使用与其性别认同相一致的性别隔离设施. 
    • 性别隔离设施包括, 但不限于卫生间, 更衣室, 更衣室, 和宿舍.
  • Landlords, store owners, and service providers 不能因为你的性取向或性别认同而拒绝为你提供服务.
  • 就业: 在做出与就业有关的决定时,考虑性取向或性别认同是违法的, 包括雇佣和解雇, or any inquiries about an employees sexual orientation.


  • 商店老板不能因为你使用符合你性别认同的洗手间就把你赶出去.
  • 房东不能因为你的性别认同或性取向而限制你使用物业设施.
  • An employer cannot prohibit you from coming out at work, 执行基于性别的着装规范, or fire you based on your sexual orientation or gender identity.


联邦法律要求公立学校纠正对LGBTQ+学生的虐待和骚扰. 如果学校得知你受到虐待或骚扰,却没有采取任何措施保护你, then it has been put on notice and can be held legally responsible. 

  • Keep a record of each time you were harassed-what happened, 谁参与了, 以及你向谁报告的.
  • 隐私: 你的学校没有权利在未经你允许的情况下把你“泄露”给任何人.
  • 言论自由: 宪法赋予你在学校出柜的权利,如果你愿意的话. Your right to free expression includes your choice of clothes. 如果你们学校的规定允许其他学生穿印有他们信仰的t恤, 因为t恤上有LGBTQ+的旗帜,他们就要求你脱下t恤是违法的. 学校的着装要求必须平等对待所有学生——如果你想穿的衣服被其他学生穿也是合适的, then you are also able to wear that clothing. 当一个人的讲话对课堂造成严重干扰时,学校可以限制他的讲话.
  • 同性恋异性恋联盟:联邦平等准入法案规定,如果公立学校允许非课程社团, then it must allow students to form a GSA if they want to. The 学校 has to treat the GSA the same as it does other non-curricular clubs.
  • 带同性伴侣参加毕业舞会:你的公立学校不能阻止你带同性伴侣参加毕业舞会. 


In 2013, the Colorado Division of Insurance stated that discrimination in health coverage based on sexual orientation is prohibited (sexual orientation is defined as heterosexuality, 同性恋, 双性恋, 或跨性别身份).
Public health insurance plans sold in Colorado can no longer:

  • 征收更高的税率 or charge more because of your sexual orientation
  • Use your sexual orientation as a pre-existing condition for the purpose of limiting or denying coverage
  • Deny, exclude or limit coverage for medically necessary services as determined by your medical provider, 如果将相同的物品或服务提供给另一个人而不考虑其性取向. In short, Colorado law requires equality in treatment.
    • 例子: If an insurer covers breast reduction surgery to lessen back pain, 如果医疗提供者认为在医学上有必要进行缩胸变性手术,该保险公司不能拒绝.
    • If hormone therapy is covered for other policyholders, 如果确定是医学上必要的,则不能拒绝变性.


  • Jude 's Law允许任何年龄的变性人和非双性恋的科罗拉多人拥有准确的, reflective identification documents (IDs). This means that you can update your birth certificate, 驾照, or Colorado state ID with the options male (M), 女(F), 或非二元/性别不一致(X).
  • Requirements eliminated: This act gets rid of the requirements of surgery, 医生的证明, 法院命令, and newspaper publication to make document changes.
  • 新的出生证明:如果你以前已经根据以前的法律版本获得了修改过的出生证明, you can apply to receive a new birth certificate. 
  • 更改姓名的法院命令:为了获得更改性别指定的新出生证明,您不需要获得合法更改姓名的法院命令. However, the law only allows you to request the gender designation update once. Beyond the one time, 法院命令 is required. 


Encounters with police can be stressful and confusing.  在处理执法问题时,了解自己的权利可以帮助你为这种情况做好准备,减少你的困惑. 在与执法部门打交道时,花点时间教育自己你的权利是什么,这样你就能更好地保护自己的自由.
If you’ve been stopped in public by a police officer:

  • 官员可以:
    • 要求您提供身份证明
    • 拍拍你衣服的外面
    • Ask for your name and address once you have been detained
  • 您有权:
    • Remain silent: You only need to answer your name and address. When an officer asks you other questions, say “I’m going to remain silent. 我要见律师.”
    • 拒绝搜查:如果一名警官想要搜查除了拍你的衣服外的任何东西, 说"我不同意搜查".
    • 确定是否可以离开:问警官:“你是在拘留我,还是我可以离开??” 
      • If they answer “Yes” → Calmly walk away.
      • If they answer “No” → You are being detained. Ask the officer what crime you are suspected of committing.

减少对自己的风险: 如果警察在你说你不同意之后继续搜查你,不要用身体抵抗他们. 保持冷静. 不要奔跑或阻碍警察. Keep your hands where the officers can see them.


  • 官员可以:
    • 请出示您的驾驶执照, 登记 and proof of insurance Ask you to step outside of the car.
    • Separate passengers and drivers from each other to question them, but no one has to answer any questions.
  • 您有权:
    • 保持沉默: Both drivers and passengers have the right to remain silent. 
    • 您只需要回答您的姓名和地址,并提供所需的文件(驾驶执照), 登记, 及保险证明). 
    • When an officer asks you other questions, say “I’m going to remain silent. 我要见律师.”
    • 拒绝搜索: If an officer wants to search your car, 说"我不同意搜查". 
    • 确定是否可以离开: If you’re a passenger, you can ask if you’re free to leave. 如果是,你可以默默地离开.

减少对自己的风险: 关掉汽车, 打开内部灯, 把窗户打开一部分, 把手放在方向盘上. Keep your hands where the police can see them. 


  • Ask, through the door: “Do you have a warrant?” If the officers do not have a warrant, 不要让他们进入你的家,除了“我不想和你说话?.”
  • 如果警官有搜查令:
    • Ask the officers to slip it under the door or show it to you through a window.如果你觉得你必须打开门, 然后走出去, close the door behind you and ask to see the warrant. 
    • Make sure the search warrant contains:
      • 法官的名字
      • 您的姓名和地址
      • 的日期
      • 搜索地点
      • A description of any items being searched for
      • The name of the agency that is conducting the search or arrest
    • 告诉警官,如果他们在错误的地址,或者如果你在搜查令上看到其他错误.
    • Then you should say you do not consent to the search. But do not interfere if the officers still decide to do the search.  尽快给你的律师打电话. Ask if you are allowed to watch the search; if you are allowed to, you should take notes:
      • 的名字
      • 警徽
      • 每个官员来自哪个机构
      • 他们搜索的地方 
      • 他们拿走了什么
      • 如果有其他人在场,让他们作为证人仔细观察正在发生的事情.



The rights to protest is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the U.S. 宪法和第一修正案第一修正案赋予你游行的权利, 发表演讲, 分发传单, 举行及参加集会, 张贴海报及示范. This right cannot be restricted even if what you say is controversial.

地点: Your rights are strongest in traditional public forums:

  • 街道、人行道、公园、政府大楼前的广场和其他公共财产.
  • 在公立学校(但如果活动干扰学校活动,可能会被禁止).
  • 在公立大学(可能禁止非学生/非教职员的示威).

PERMITS: As long as marchers don’t obstruct traffic, you do not need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks.

  • A march or parade that requires blocking traffic.
  • 带扩音器的大型集会.
  • A rally over a certain size at most parks or plazas.

SPEECH: Police must treat protesters and counter-protesters equally.

  • Private property owners can set rules for speech on their property.
  • 如果你的言论是在你自己的财产内或得到财产所有人的同意,政府不得限制你的言论.

照片 & 记录: 

  • You have the right to record when you are lawfully present in any public space, including federal buildings and the police.
  • 没有搜查令,警察不得没收或要求查看你的照片或视频, nor may they delete data under any circumstances.
  • 警察可以责令公民停止真正妨碍合法执法的活动. 


  • 尽量保持冷静. 让你的手露出来. 
  • 即使你认为警察侵犯了你的权利,也不要与他们争论、抵抗或阻挠警察. 
  • 指出你并没有干扰任何人的活动,第一修正案保护你的行为.


  • 问一下你是否有空. If the officer says yes, calmly walk away.
  • If you are under arrest, you have a right to ask why.
  • Otherwise, say you wish to remain silent and ask for a lawyer immediately. Don’t say or sign anything without a lawyer.
  • You have the right to make a local phone call. If you’re calling your lawyer, police are not allowed to listen. You never have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings. 
  • 如果警察怀疑你有武器,他们可能会“搜身”你的衣服,并在逮捕你后对你进行搜查.


  • 写下你记得的一切, 包括警官的警徽和巡逻车号码以及他们工作的机构.
  • 获取证人的联系信息.
  • 拍摄受伤照片.
  • 向该机构的内部事务部门或民事投诉委员会提交书面投诉.
  • If you feel that any of your rights have been violated, contact us at http://intake.anchoragedev.com